The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

Public Relations for Coaches & Consultants

May 11, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 112
Public Relations for Coaches & Consultants

Public Relations, or PR for short, is an often overlooked way to market coaching and consulting services. Unlike advertising which you must pay for, PR enables you to get your business, products, or services, featured in the media for free. But for that to happen you must do it right.

In this episode I share some tips to help you decide if public relations is a marketing strategy you'd like to use, and if so, a few pointers to make sure you implement it like a pro.

Click here to learn more about the press release distribution services, PRWEB, I mention in the podcast.

You can see the coverage in Entrepreneur Magazine, that I generated using PR (and talk about in this episode), here.

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Debbie LaChusa, The Business Stylist® created The Business Stylist® Podcast to help coaches, consultants, and other service professionals learn how to package their services, how to brand themselves and their business, how to market, and how to sell with integrity. Every week, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing strategies to help busy service-based business professionals makeover (or design) their business, brand, and marketing so they “fit†them to a T and more effectively attract their ideal clients. The result? A more enjoyable, successful, and profitable business!
