The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

Podcasting for Coaches & Consultants

May 04, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 111
Podcasting for Coaches & Consultants

Imagine having your very own radio show on iTunes or BlogTalkRadio. Think of all the people you could reach and make aware of your coaching or consulting services. I've been using podcasting to market my coaching and consulting services since 2006. It's one of the many content marketing strategies I use. Maybe you're wondering if you should give podcasting a try.

In this episode I share tips to help you determine if podcasting is a good fit for you.

Here's a link to the microphone I mention in the podcast (and use myself), on Amazon.

Subscribe to The Business Stylist® Podcast:

Debbie LaChusa, The Business Stylist® created The Business Stylist® Podcast to help coaches, consultants, and other service professionals learn how to package their services, how to brand themselves and their business, how to market, and how to sell with integrity. Every week, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing strategies to help busy service-based business professionals makeover (or design) their business, brand, and marketing so they “fit†them to a T and more effectively attract their ideal clients. The result? A more enjoyable, successful, and profitable business!
