The Bud Zone
The Bud Zone Podcast - The Christian's Special Duty: Giving Thanks
On this Thanksgiving Day episode, Bud turns to the Puritan Thomas Manton for the reading of an excerpt of his sermon about the Christian’s special duty of giving thanks. Drawn from an exposition of Psalm 119:62, Manton emphasizes the necessity for the Christian to be much in giving thanks and giving praise to God. Manton’s sermon No. LXX is sourced from Volume 7 of the 22 volume The Works of Thomas Manton published by The Banner of Truth Trust.
Charles Spurgeon, in his collection “The Treasury Of David,” says of Psalm 119: “This sacred ode is a little Bible, the Scriptures condensed, a mass of Bible, Holy Writ rewritten in holy emotions and actions. Blessed are they who can read and understand these saintly aphorism; they shall find golden apples in this true Hesperides, and come to reckon that this Psalm, like the whole Scripture which it praises, is a pearl island, or, better still, a garden of sweet flowers.”
For information on The Works of Thomas Manton, please visit the Banner of Truth website.
The Treasury of David by Spurgeon may be sourced at Reformation Heritage Books or Solid Ground Christian Books.