The Bob & Angus Show

The Bob & Angus Show

Latest Episodes

A Boy's Best Friend is His Mutton
January 15, 2015

Angus finally makes it to the kitchen. What nightmare awaits him there?

The Shearing
January 08, 2015

Angus's dreams continue to be haunted by Claire (and her sister?).

January 01, 2015

Angus's guilt is manifesting in his dreams.

Christmas on the Run
December 25, 2014

Angus remotes in to avoid Claire's wrath and Bob sends out a Holiday message.

Clairely Last Minute
December 18, 2014

Claire's Crowdstarter project comes down to the last minute, and the newsrams add some legumes to Bedpans and Broomsticks

Bad Wool Day
December 11, 2014

Bob has a really bad wool day. Bob & Angus add a few sheepy additions to Monuments.

Clairely Copied
December 04, 2014

Angus decides to get in on this Crowdstarter thing. Hot Tin Roof is Put through a Blow by Blow.

Clairely Starting
November 27, 2014

Angus is befuddled by Claire's Crowdstarter and enthralled by an unsung piece of Bremerhaven.

Remotely Angus
November 20, 2014

Angus joins the show from a remote location. Bob & Angus explore the possibility of the undead in Family Business.

Mad World
November 13, 2014

The lads decide to take Mad City to an illogical conclusion; A sequel for Karnickel is proposed.
