Success Leaves Clues with Robin Bailey and Al McDonald

Success Leaves Clues with Robin Bailey and Al McDonald

Success Leaves Clues: Ep. 85 – featuring Human Resources professional, Laura Alfano Victoria of Vena Solutions

July 27, 2022

Laura Alfano Victoria, MHRM, Vice President, Global Talent Acquisitions, Vena Solutions, has more than 20 years of talent acquisition (TA) experience from Fortune 500 companies. She is a strategic, results-driven Human Resources professional who is passionate about investing in younger generations in order to overcome the challenges when it comes to supply and demand for labour. In todays current labour landscape, it is imperative that employers evaluate their processes and remove any steps that are not adding value or causing unnecessary delays. Laura explains how flexibility, autonomy, and meaningful, purpose-driven work are driving the market and examines how employers can get on board.
