The World of Muscle

The World of Muscle

019. Dave Draper: The Blond Bomber

December 31, 2015

The Lost Blond Bomber Podcast 
Well, Randy and I did promise one more podcast for 2015 and just when we were checking our schedules to do a recording in order to keep that promise, I found one of our early productions that somehow got lost in the cracks.
Since this was one of our earlier recordings, before Randy came closer to the mic, he is a little difficult to hear at times, so apologies for that.  The good news is that you can  hear me loud and clear.  ;)    Randy’s initial reaction was to scrap it until he listened to the show and realized the content.
It concerns one of his favourite bodybuilders, Dave Draper and an interview Dave gave back in 2004.  This interview reflected Dave’s philosophy on training that resonated so well with both of us.  I think you will enjoy this look at bodybuilding's original media star.
I was unable to find the E True Hollywood Story episode on YouTube but I did discover it was Season 5 Episode 29.
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