The World of Muscle

The World of Muscle

014. Possible Dangers Of Fermented Cod Liver Oil

September 13, 2015

You may have perhaps heard of the recent controversy surrounding fermented cod liver oil and the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF).
Dr. Kaayla Daniels, vice president  of the WAPF, released a very condemning lab report on Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil, a product fully endorsed by the WAPF.
We thought this issue was important as both cod liver oil and the works of Dr. Weston A. Price are interlocked with the history of nutrition in bodybuilding and fitness.
Randy touched upon these connections in Volume I of Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors.
In our analysis we try to be fair and call it down the middle as to whether Green Pastures  fermented cod liver oil has been  legitimately scrutinized by Dr. Daniels.
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