The Wealth Experience

The Wealth Experience

Latest Episodes

Le point sur les marchés – Adam Reichert sur l’instabilité du dollar canadien par rapport au dollar américain
April 07, 2020

  Confronté à des baisses abruptes des prix des produits de base, le dollar canadien a été soumis à des pressions intenses au cours des dernières semaines. Pour obtenir des idées concernant les meilleures manières de gérer l’exposition aux devises, notre.

Le point sur les marchés – Comprendre la volatilité des marchés des obligations
April 02, 2020

En raison de la vitesse fulgurante de l’évolution du rendement des obligations, des questions subsistent quant à l’état du marché des titres à revenu fixe : Les banques centrales ont-elles eu raison de réduire les taux aussi rapidement? Les taux de référ.

Market Update – Making Sense of Volatile Bond Markets
April 02, 2020

With bonds yields moving at blinding speed, questions remain about the state of the fixed income market: Were central banks right to cut rates so swiftly? Can benchmark rates go lower, or even negative, in North America? What impact will the volatility h.

Market Update – Doug Porter: Why This Time Could Actually Be Different
March 25, 2020

With markets shrouded in uncertainty, two BMO experts speak about the historical parallels – or lack thereof – for the current predicament and discuss forecasts for the days and weeks ahead. In this episode, you will hear from Sylvain Brisebois, Senior V.

Le point sur les marchés – Entretien avec Stéphane Rochon le 23 mars
March 24, 2020

Le lundi 23 mars, Sylvain Brisebois, premier vice-président et directeur national des ventes, BMO Gestion privée a discuté avec Stéphane Rochon, directeur général et spécialiste en stratégie –  Actions, BMO Gestion privée, pour faire le point sur les mar.

Market Update – Brian Belski on COVID-19 Impact and Outlook
March 20, 2020

As market volatility runs wild, Sylvain Brisebois, Senior Vice President and National Sales Manager, BMO Private Wealth, speaks with Brian Belski, Chief Investment Strategist, BMO Capital Markets, to discuss the historic sell-off in equities, irrationali.

Economic Update - Election Outcome
October 29, 2019

In this episode, Neil Hershcovitch, Head, Ultra High Net Worth, BMO Private Wealth, sits down with Doug Porter, Chief Economist BMO Financial Group, and Leslie Marks, Chief Investment Strategist, BMO Private Wealth, to discuss some of the most asked abou.

Uncomfortable Money Dilemmas
July 16, 2019

In this day and age, staying private about your wealth can be difficult. For people that are visibly more affluent than their friends, it can create discord for others to know you sold a successful business, belong to a wealthy family, or earn significan.

Pets and Estate Planning
May 06, 2019

In today’s episode, Chris Buttigieg and Chris Markou from BMO Wealth Planning and Advisory Services discuss an often neglected area of estate planning – family pet care. Join them in conversation as they discuss the measures we can take to provide contin.

The Fed's Policy Pivot - April 2019
April 08, 2019

In today’s episode, BMO experts Michael Gregory, Lesley Marks and Stéphane Rochon discuss the recent Policy Pivot and its impact on asset classes. Discover the catalyst motivating the change as we delve deeper into the world of monetary and fiscal policy.
