The Trench (Video)

The Trench (Video)

Latest Episodes

Getting Vulnerable with Others
October 21, 2015

Last week, we explored how Christ shows us the path of the Cross is the path of willing vulnerability. This week, Christian discusses the role of vulnerability in our lives as we seek close and intimate relationships.

Getting Vulnerable with Jesus
October 14, 2015

Vulnerability is one of the most important and least understood parts of developing deep and intimate relationships. Join Christian as he explores how Jesus Christ shows us what vulnerability looks like and why it is so scary.

Having a Relationship with God
October 08, 2015

Having a relationship with God is just that—a relationship. It is personal, dynamic, and shareable. Join Christian this week as he explores the primary relationship in our lives: our relationship with the Lord.

Why Relationships Matter
September 29, 2015

As human beings, we find that we are surrounded by relationships everywhere we go. Could it be that relationality is something about what it means to be human? Join Christian as he discusses what it is to be human through the lens of being relational bein

So What Is “The Trench”?
September 23, 2015

So what is "The Trench”? In episode one, Christian discusses why "The Trench" and the centrality of relationships in the Christian life.
