The Traveling Groomers Podcast

The Traveling Groomers Podcast

Latest Episodes

Advance to the Retreat!!
February 01, 2023

Watch as Mary And Chris discuss professionalism and those times when maybe they were less than professional.

Housecall OG Daryl Connor
January 25, 2023

Mary and Chris chat with grooming icon Daryl Conner, who BTW is the original housecall groomer.

We're Professionals Dammit
January 18, 2023

Watch as Mary And Chris discuss professionalism and those times when maybe they were less than professional.

THE CYA Episode
January 11, 2023

We work with other people's pets. Sometimes we get blamed for things we did not do and other times a situation was handled poorly on our part. Mary And Chris discuss best practices.

Judi Cantu Thacker
January 04, 2023

We may have gone a little long with this episode. But how could we not as it's Judi!!!

Episode One Redo
December 28, 2022

We always refer episode 1 to all new podcasters when they mention they're too scared to screw up. It is the how of how we got started and Chris edited it so that its a bit prettier.

Vanessa San Juan Thibault
December 21, 2022

Mary and Chris spend some time with fellow podcaster Vanessa San Juan Thibault. you'll love her podcast Sh*t On The Table.

Marcia Strong
December 14, 2022

Busy week for Marcia. Yesterday was Women Petpreneurs and we're adding Chris to the mix for a very different interview with fellow podcaster Marcia Strong.

Carissa Miller
December 07, 2022

Mary and Chris are joined by fellow podcaster Carissa Miller.

Holiday Ramblings
November 30, 2022

Mary and Chris have all the topics today. So, technically we are not digressing, simply moving on to the next subject. That's our story and we're sticking to it.
