The Swan Song Podcast

The Swan Song Podcast

Episode 6 - If It's Alive It's Retarded

November 13, 2018

To Whomever It May Concern:


My cries are falling upon deaf ears. There's another episode of The Swan Song Podcast and it may be the worst one yet. These boys are unrelenting in their pursuit of having the dumbest podcast on the planet. Aidan begins the show regaling the other two with stories of the autistic children who come to the grocery store he works at to learn how to shop. Naturally, this becomes a mockery of the mentally disabled, which then transforms into a version of Die Hard that no one would want to watch. The story is followed up with Luke and Aidan bullying Colin into calling himself Vanilla Bean, which is not even a good nickname, its downright lazy. Colin brings stories of dead babies and a mentally ill teenager who doses her classmates with her grandfather's ashes. It is down right despicable. They end the show with a special shout out which I thought was going to be sweet but ends up berating one of their listeners. Please stop doing this show you three.


-A Concerned Listener
