The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

The Staying Young Show 2.0 - Entertaining | Educational | Health & Wellness

#1171: MM- Increasing Longevity Through Daily Activity

October 14, 2019

Are you leading an active life? If so it may increase your longevity. This is Judy Gaman and this is your Stay Young medical minute.  You may have heard the term active life before and wondered what that means. Simply put, it means moving and doing. It doesn’t mean you have to be a star athlete, in fact some common daily activities can push you from inactive to active. It’s all about not taking the easy way out. Instead of looking for the closest parking space, park at the end of the isle and walk. If you’re a parent or grandparent, ditch the stroller and carry the kids. There’s no better exercise than lugging fifteen to thirty pounds around. If you’re a dog owner, change your strolls to brisk walks of jogs with your furry friend. Even household chores like washing windows, vacuuming and yard work help you stay active. This Stay Young Medical Minute is brought to you by Executive Medicine of Texas, a leader in preventative and proactive medicine. Learn why patients from around the globe trust Executive Medicine of Texas to their health. Visit that’s
