Latest Episodes

How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn with Dr. Natalia Wiechowski
April 08, 2020

Natalia Wiechowski is a personal branding coach and LinkedIn strategist and shares the strategies you can use to grow your LinkedIn following. She also talks about how to approach people you want to connect with using the right message.

How to Add a Corporate Revenue Stream to Your Business with Jessica Lorimer
April 01, 2020

Sales expert Jessica Lorimer talks about how adding a corporate revenue stream can profit your business and how you should go about doing it.

What We Can Learn from Million Dollar Businesses with Elaine Pofeldt
March 27, 2020

Elaine Pofeldt shares what online entrepreneurs can learn from million dollar, one person businesses and how these entrepreneurs are pivoting their business models during times of uncertainty.

Pivot to Recession Proof Your Business
March 25, 2020

I share the steps I’m taking to pivot my business through the recession and how pivoting your offer and/or your messaging can help you recession-proof your online business.

Leadership in Crisis with Gisli Olafsson
March 20, 2020

Disaster expert Gisli Olafsson talks about what we can do to respond to the Coronavirus, how we can be leaders in this time of crisis and how we can use what we have learned from previous crises to help us through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus and Entrepreneurship in Challenging Times with Anne Arvizu
March 18, 2020

Anne Arvizu talks about the Coronavirus, the impact it has on a global level and how entrepreneurs can take care of themselves in times like these.

Coronavirus and the Looming Recession
March 11, 2020

I discuss the coronavirus outbreak in Iceland and around the world, how it is affecting the economy, and how a looming recession can open the door to new opportunities for entrepreneurs.

How to Go From Being an Unknown Expert to a Household Name with Selena Soo
March 06, 2020

Selena Soo shares how marketing and publicity helps you go from being unknown in your industry to becoming a recognized expert in your field.

The Live Launch Revolution Explained with Kelly Roach
March 04, 2020

Kelly Roach explains the live launch method and how to use it to scale your programs, your revenue, and your online communities.

How to Focus on One Thing and Not Break Your Business with Denise Duffield-Thomas
February 26, 2020

Denise Duffield-Thomas shares how focusing on one thing helped her grow her business and how “practice businesses” serve as a tool to hone your entrepreneurial skills.
