The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

RUAS 005: Who Is the Promised Seed?

October 30, 2015

Who Is the Promised Seed?

The Answer May Surprise You.

In the Greek writings of the New Testament, we find the following statement:

“Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as of many, but as of one, ‘And to your Seed,’ who is Christ.”
(Gal 3: 16 NKJV)  

Is this statement true?  Was one individual promised seed really the intention of the Creator?  Is God promising an individual here?  Are there additional pieces to the puzzle that are actually not being presented here in this letter to the Galatians?

In this podcast we will address this question by comparing this statement to what has been recorded for us in the Hebrew Scriptures.  And what we find is that by looking at a number of passages, the truth of the matter shines through, and we see the Creator clearly articulating His intentions; multiple times within the book of Genesis, right from the beginning.

Surely, the answer to this question is of the utmost importance to unlocking the true message of the Creator and in so doing coming to understand Who He Is; who we are; and what His purpose is with His creation.

It’s time to crack open this topic and delve into the Word; while seeking the direction of our Creator all along – that He may uncover truth to all who will seek it – as He has lovingly promised to do.
“For YHVH gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Prov 2: 6)

In this podcast, we’ll:

Compare the statements of Paul in Gal. 3:16 with the Hebrew Scriptures to determine the truth of the matter regarding the seed of Abraham.
Discover that the answer is repeatedly articulated for us in the Word of God.
Finally, reflect on some additional meditations about what this can mean for each one of us on a personal level, and how this can impact our relationship with our God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

RUAS 006: Who Is the Promised Seed?
