The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

RUAS 003: The Earth Mourns

March 04, 2015

Social norms, as well as cultural and religious programming, blind us to seeing the true heart of the Creator.  Even when He uses plain language in His Word, if we wear the shaded and slanted lenses of preconceived perspectives, we will be unable to comprehend the clarity of what is being presented to us.

Surely, the Creator loves all that is good, pure, healthy and wonderful and He rejects all that brings damage and destruction.  In times past, the Israel of old did not act like His people.  They were so steeped in religion that they ignored everything that was actually real and important; leading to a situation in which the earth and the land mourned their destructiveness as they destroyed even the very ground upon which they lived.  We see this outlined for us in Jeremiah chapter twelve, which we will be delving into with this audio recording.

Since we are still facing similar problems with humanity in our day, this chapter can serve as an inspiration and education.  As we delve into seeking greater understanding we will see the unfolding of the Creator’s heart as He opens up the richness of insight to His people.

One day, the whole earth will be filled with only good – with the knowledge of the glory of the Creator – when all will finally see how good and amazing He actually is.  In that day, the very earth will rejoice.  All who take up the high calling to join Him as He fulfills His amazing plan, He will marvellously help.  He will never leave, nor forsake those Who walk with Him, and will shower His healing and goodness upon them all the days of their lives.  This is true Israel – a lovely and just people yet to come.
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isa 55:12)

In this podcast you’ll find:

Discoveries concerning the Creator’s heart towards His earth.
Ways in which Jeremiah 12 applies to the world in which we live today.
Discussion about how religion distracts from being able to see Who God really is and what He really cares about.
What this chapter means to “True Israel” – the future nation who will fulfill the potential of their design, living in the likeness and image of their God as He dwells in their midst.

As it Says in Jeremiah
“How long will the earth mourn,
And the herbs of every field wither?
The beasts and birds are consumed,
For the wickedness of those who dwell there,
Because they said,
“HE will not see our final end.”
RUAS 003: The Earth Mourns
