The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

The Raise Up A Standard Podcast: Seeking the Creator / Hebrew Scriptures / Torah / True Health

RUAS 002: A Garden World

November 25, 2014

“YHVH Elohim planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.”   Ge 2:8

This podcast explores the love that Yah has for the earth that He created; His plan for the earth and what that means for us; and the lifestyle that we perpetuate across the globe as we “fruitfully multiply”.  I explore the fact that mankind for the most part, has never understood his relationship with the earth, as it is in the heart of the Creator.  Yet, there were individuals who tapped into this understanding, and shared Yah’s love for the earth, the ground, the soil.

One such man, was Uzziah, a king of Israel – who for much of his life because of his faithfulness to Yah and Yah’s ways, was “marvellously helped”.  And Uzziah, we are told, “loved the soil – the ground, the earth.”  Join me in this audio blog as I discuss the amazing gems that come out of the Word of the Almighty concerning this important topic of our relationship with the earth.


RUAS 002: A Garden World
