The Postgrad Podcast

The Postgrad Podcast

Episode 4 - Postgrad Isn't Perfect (with Brian Reitz)

October 19, 2015

Brian is currently living in the Dallas area and working as an SEO Coordinator at Amplifi Commerce. He co-hosts the comedy podcast, The Knowledge is Power Hour with his good friend, Kristian. Brian and I met at the University of Missouri – we were both members of the Phi Sigma Pi honors fraternity.

On this episode we discuss:

- Why Brian and his friend, Kristian, started a podcast after graduating college.

- Comparing yourself to other people on social media and why it can be dangerous to your own self esteem.

- Brian's job search (including an interview at Google) and his struggle with depression while he was unemployed.

- Adjusting to a new job and learning how to be confident in it. Finding healthy ways to deal with stress and depression.
