The Place To Be Free Podcast

The Place To Be Free Podcast

Ep. #46 Manifest Health and Happiness for Profound Healing and Transformation

June 17, 2024

In this episode of the “Place to Be Free” podcast, Martha Blessing delves into the principles of manifestation and how they can be harnessed for healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Drawing from her extensive experience and profound insights, Martha challenges conventional paradigms and explores the universal spiritual laws that govern our well-being. 

Discover the true meaning of creation and manifestation beyond the popular buzzwords. Martha emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying universal laws, such as the law of polarity, and unpacks common misconceptions about the law of attraction..

Plus, Martha shares her own journey of overcoming chronic pain and serious illnesses by peeling back layers of fear-based beliefs and tapping into the profound wisdom of our bodies. 

If you’re ready to break free from old beliefs and embrace your innate power to heal and create then, Tune in now!


  • How to transform your health and life by unlocking your inner potential.
  • Using manifestation principles for healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues
  • How universal laws like polarity (opposite states coexist) can aid healing
  • How core wounds and subconscious beliefs like unworthiness hinder healing and well-being.
  • The importance of taking full responsibility for beliefs and choices to shape reality.
  • Universal laws and manifestation principles for lasting transformation.


Level 1 of healing consciousness:

level 2:

Level 3

Level 4

Book mentioned: Love Yourself Like Your LIfe Depends On It
