The London Lyceum

The London Lyceum

Latest Episodes

T.F. Torrance and Christological Anthropology with Chris Woznicki
November 09, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Chris Woznicki about TF Torrance. They cover topics like: Who is TF Torrance and why is he worth studying? What is Torrance's method when it comes to theological anthropology? What is the Fallen Human Nature debate and wh

American Exceptionalism with John Wilsey
November 02, 2022

Jordan and Garrett talk with John Wilsey about American Exceptionalism. They cover topics like: What is American exceptionalism? How did it come about? What is the difference between religious and political nationalism? Has this played out differently amo

Covenant Theology Roundtable
October 28, 2022

Jordan and Brandon host a roundtable event with Sam Renihan, Michael Beck, Guy Waters, and Stephen Wellum regarding covenant theology. the show

Luther and the Rule of Faith with Todd Hains
October 26, 2022

Jordan talks with Todd Hains about Martin Luther and the rule of faith. They cover topics like: You begin by saying the provocative phrasing of scripture against scripture. What does that mean? Does Luther reject the use of reason? Is it opposed to faith?

Molinism with Ken Keathley
October 19, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Ken Keathley about Molinism. They cover topics like: What is Molinism? What is the historical pedigree of Molinism? Who are the key proponents? Why would someone want to affirm Molinism? What are the key costs/benefits to Moli

Why God Makes Sense with Gavin Ortlund
October 17, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Gavin Ortlund about his new book. They cover topics like: What is the overall thesis of your book? Why write this? Why did you choose to focus on Christianity and naturalism? What is Pascals threefold order of apologetics and

Four Models of Baptism, Catechesis, and Communion with Jonathan Watson
October 12, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Jonathan Watson about his book on models of baptism, catechesis and communion. They cover topics like: What is baptism, catechesis and communion? What are the various models for how these relate? What is your preferred model a

Evangelical Process Theism with Brian Orr
October 05, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Brian Orr about Evangelical Process Theology. They cover topics like what is evangelical process theology? When did this come on the scene? Why? Are there any denominations or confessional streams particularly susceptible to t

Counseling and Integrationism with Joshua Waulk and Thomas Frederick
September 28, 2022

Jordan talks with Joshua Waulk and Thomas Frederick about counseling, integrationism, and more. They cover topics like: 1. What is counseling? What are the various models? 2. Do confessions speak to the nature of counseling? If so, how do they interact wi

Baptist Catholicity with Matthew Bingham
September 21, 2022

Jordan and Brandon talk with Matthew Bingham about Baptist Catholicity. They cover topics like: Should we want to be baptist and catholic? Why have so many baptists in the last 50+ years been either naïve to the necessity of catholicity or hostile to it?
