The London Lyceum

The London Lyceum

Latest Episodes

America's Book with Mark Noll
February 08, 2023

Jordan and Hunter talk with Mark Noll about his book "America's Book." They cover topics like: What was the relationship between American republicanism and the Bible? How did Americans preserve a distinctly Christian culture but without th

The Theology of the Body with Lainey Greer
February 01, 2023

Jordan and Jacob talk with Lainey Greer about a theology of the body. They cover topics like: What is a theology of the body? Why should we think about it? What do most Christians think about the body? What does the Bible think about the body? What is mon

Theological Method with Christy Thornton
January 25, 2023

Jordan talks with Christy Thornton about theological method. They cover topics like: What is theological method? Has there been a consistent method in the history of the church? What does the church have to do with theological method? Does the idea of our

Biblical Reasoning with Tyler Wittman and Bobby Jamieson
January 18, 2023

Jordan and Conner talk with Tyler Wittman and Bobby Jamieson about their book on biblical reasoning. They cover topics like: What are the two modes of reasoning? How do they relate? Why is the model of raw material and its development an unhelpful one? Wh

Neo-Calvinism with Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto
January 16, 2023

Jordan talks with Cory Brock and Gray Sutanto about Neo-Calvinism. They cover topics like What is Neo-Calvinism? When did it begin? Why did it begin? Main figures of note? Is Neo-Calvinism a deviation from classical Protestantism? Why does it sometimes ha

Human Persons and Bioethics with Jason Eberl
January 11, 2023

Jordan talks with Jason Eberl about human persons and bioethics. They cover topics like: What does it mean to say human nature? Is it an abstract object or a concrete flesh and blood person, etc.? What do we mean by identity? What does bioethics have to d

Anselm with Thomas Williams
January 09, 2023

Jordan talks with Thomas Williams about Anselm. They cover topics like who is Anselm, what is Anselm's account of individuation, what new things did Prof Williams learn while writing his Very Short Introduction on Anselm, and more.Resources:1) Anselm

Social Ontology with Jared Oliphint
January 04, 2023

Jordan talks with Jared Oliphint about social ontology, conceputal engineering, and Reformed philosophy. They cover topics like: What is the difference between ontology and metaphysics? What is social ontology? What is conceptual engineering within philos

Christology and Metaphysics in the Seventeenth Century with Richard Cross
December 28, 2022

Jordan talks with Richard Cross about Christology and metaphysics in the Seventeenth century. They cover a wide range of topics like: Generally speaking, what are union and communion theories about the hypostatic union? What are the shared beliefs between

Moral Theology with Oliver O'Donovan
December 26, 2022

Jordan talks with Oliver O'Donovan about a range of issues related to moral theology. They cover topics like: What is moral theology? Has it fallen on hard times? Why might you suggest American evangelicals struggle with the concepts? What are the vi
