The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 186: Restoring Heart
July 28, 2020

When you're losing heart, it's time to take a break. I don’t know about you, but we were running on empty in the Williams household. All of us are getting a little weird. (or maybe just weirder) We needed an adventure, so we hit the road. Continue...

Episode 185: Losing Heart
July 08, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, it’s really become clear that things aren’t going to “get back to normal” for a long time We are starting to see people to really lose heart, including us some days, so today we’re having an authentic...

Episode 184: Our Father’s Day Fail
June 23, 2020

This Father’s Day, we were forced to face the reality of our own failures as parents. In this episode, we’ll share the story of how a fun family day turned into 12 hours of misery that we created by not following our own advice. Because there are...

Episode 183: Are you Stuck in the Roommate Zone?
June 16, 2020

Between life, and kids, and work, and global pandemics, and laundry, it’s easy to fall into the Roommate Zone with your spouse. But you don’t have to stay there, in fact, we’re going to show you how to break out of the roommate zone, and...

Episode 182: Black Lives Matter To Us
June 09, 2020

Here’s the deal folks - Racism is real, it sucks, and we all have a part in it. We don’t have all the answers, but we can have a conversation that matters about this issue.  Before you make an assumption about what we’re going to say- we...

Episode 181: ReDesign Your Parenting
June 03, 2020

Marriage and parenting can feel like a Kobayashi Maru - a no win scenario riddled with unmet expectations and arguments. But it doesn’t have to be. Today we’re going give you the secret to redesigning your parenting so you can have more peace,...

Episode 180: Re Design Your Date Night
May 26, 2020

Everybody knows that Date Nights are essential to keeping your marriage healthy and strong, but the problem is, most of us are so busy, and overwhelmed, that date nights quickly slip down the list of priorities. Beside, “dinner and a movie” can be...

Episode 179: Re-Dreaming the Future Together | Michael Warden
May 19, 2020

It’s kind of a scary world right now, but also rich with possibility. Life will never be exactly the way it was before COVID-19, But what we choose to create from here really can be even better than anything that came before, maybe even -...

Episode 178: Stop escaping Your Life
May 12, 2020

Everybody gets the urge to pull the escape hatch and just go to Target for an hour or hit your favorite BBQ place for lunch, but is it what you really need? Escapism takes many forms, and today we’re getting honest about how we escape, and how to...

Episode 177: Finding Hope in Quarantine | Chris and Beth Bruno
May 05, 2020

It’s been a tough couple of months, and so we’re talking with Chris and Beth Bruno about how to deal with and lead our families through the emotional ups and downs  of quarantine. Chris and Beth share some of their experiences, ideas, and...