The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Episode 177: Finding Hope in Quarantine | Chris and Beth Bruno

May 05, 2020

It’s been a tough couple of months, and so we’re talking with Chris and Beth Bruno about how to deal with and lead our families through the emotional ups and downs  of quarantine. Chris and Beth share some of their experiences, ideas, and some encouragement for anyone who feels overwhelmed by this chaotic time. Chris and Beth Bruno are co-Hosts of The Walking With Podcast, and Beth hosts the Fierce & Lovely Podcast.  Together they lead Restoration Counseling of Northern Colorado. Chris and Beth are dear friends who have been on the show before in episodes 65 & 97, so if you haven't listened to those yet, you’ll want to after this powerful conversation. When this pandemic began, we knew we wanted to connect with Chris and Beth, and recently we were able to make it happen. Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook Talk About It: Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question: What has you feeling uncertain right now?   Let's get Social- You can follow us on: Facebook Instagram Additional Resources:  Break out of the Roommate Zone, with the 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages, our FREE resource!  Subscribe rate, and review the show on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts!  Ask Alexa to "Play the Legendary Marriage Podcast" If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts  
