The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Episode 170: Helping Kids Cope in Chaos | Amelia Bowler

March 17, 2020

Welcome to life and parenting in the age of CoronaVirus, Social Distancing, working from home, canceled travel plans, and a global toilet paper hoarding obsession. In the middle of all this chaos are families with kids who are facing a very new, very different reality. Today We’re talking with author and children’s Behavioural Therapist Amelia Bowler about embracing the changes, and making the best of this new reality. You can find Amelia on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and her book is on AMAZON. Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook Talk About It: Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question: What's one thing you want to learn today? Let's get Social- You can follow us on: Facebook Instagram Additional Resources:  Break out of the Roommate Zone, with the 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages, our FREE resource!  Subscribe rate, and review the show on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or anywhere else you listen to podcasts!  Ask Alexa to "Play the Legendary Marriage Podcast" If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts  
