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odd program

7: Jonelle Henry on finding your passion and doing it all

December 06, 2015

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"Even among my friends, I’m always the one that’s asking questions — they always make fun of me about that — didn’t even realize I was doing it, but that’s just my nature, that’s who I am, that’s the core of who I am.”

"I’ve often heard that the things that you’re passionate about are the things that you hate in this world or that you really love in this world."

Districtly Speaking: Black History Love http://www.districtlyspeaking.com/black-history-love-february-2012/
Districtly Speaking: Think Like a Man http://www.districtlyspeaking.com/think-like-a-man-november-2013/

Jonelle on Twitter: @jonelle henry
Districtly Speaking on Twitter: @districtspeaks
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Watch "Side Hustle," my YouTube series for Femsplain: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQhBHpScvIes7uOVtIZmK9c0kqLYrUneX
