The Lackadaisical Writer

The Lackadaisical Writer

Latest Episodes

S4, E95: NaNo 2016, Special 4
November 29, 2016

After mourning the loss of a wonderful artist, I give a very quick NaNo update. Surprise, I have way more words now! Full show notes at:

S4, E94: NaNo 2016, Special 3
November 21, 2016

A late night episode giving this week's NaNo episode. More words, yay! Still behind, but hey, I wrote! Also, minor news on my mailing list.

S4, E93: NaNo 2016, Special 2
November 14, 2016

As promised, my second NaNo episode. I have words, not many, and I’m way behind, but I do have words. Also mild updates on other stuff.

S4, E92: Long Silence, My Why, and NaNo Update #1
November 05, 2016

After almost two months away from the “air”, I get a bit emotional talking about October, then move on to my contemplations of “my why” and the future of my books. Due to the long stretch between episodes, I also tacked on my first NaNo 2016 updat

S4, E91: Anma’s Manga Minute and Hakodate Hearts
September 14, 2016

Introducing my new side audio blog type project, Anma’s Manga Minute, and giving a more “formal” introduction to my Hakodate Hearts book series, including selected readings from both Aisuru and Deviations. Fair warning: as this episode includes a re

S4, E90: Camp NaNo Ending and Final Promo
August 07, 2016

Camp Nano ended in abject failure and I contemplate the future of the Maid Maleen project before discussing my hastily done promo for Aisuru. While the sales were pitiful, the ROI was great, though still a disappointment. I think discuss where things

S4, E89: Camp NaNo 2016, Special 2
July 18, 2016

Finally got some words written and the story is going so much better! I also talk about the false idea that being an indie authors means you don't have to deal with rejection again.

S4, E88: Camp NaNo 2016, Special 1
July 11, 2016

First Camp NaNo July 2016 update is, well, abysmal and hopefully not the only update for the month…

S4, E87: Of Plans and Being a Failure
June 27, 2016

Some updates and excited babbling about my trip, followed by discussing my updated plans for the rest of the year and my free-talking a bit about the idea of being a failure and coming to terms with it.

S4, E86: Updates and A New Project!
May 29, 2016

Lengthy hodge-podge episode with a a big set of news and notes, an update on the status of The Girl in the Forest, and introducing a new project now underway: my first fairy tale retelling!
