The Introverted Believer

The Introverted Believer

#09 A Silent Response

March 25, 2020

We Rock Silence

As introverts, everyone always tells us how quiet we are. At least when we’re not around our tribe. So many of us, especially on social media, are lurking in the background enjoying your posts and memes, but rarely comment on them.

Despite that, I know that sometimes my response, especially to adversity, is not always silent. Oops.

Social media takes on a mind of its own and life is pretty exhausting right now. This virus has changed our world more than we ever imagined. I was cleaning out my inbox today and the progression of the virus can be measured by the contents of my inbox. My social media feed is the same.

Emotions are Increasing

While I’ve seen people come together like never before, I’m also starting to see the stress and anxiety of this situation take its toll on folks. Especially online.

I’m starting to see posts that are divisive. “Us vs. them. All or Nothing. You don’t like it – unfriend me.”

Like me, you may be considering one of three responses:

· What I’m Capable of – locked and loaded, you unholster your spiritual guns and go on the offensive.

· What I Could be Doing – Responding with kindness and truth (sound familiar?)

· What I Actually Do - Walk away, because energy is best directed elsewhere

These are the posts where silence is golden.

There is a Time for Speaking and a Time for Silence

When people are anxious and put themselves out there, ask yourself if they are being vulnerable or confrontational. Sometimes people are just DONE. They are looking for validation, not counter points, no matter how well the response is structured.

Instead of well-intentioned encouragement, the “truth with kindness” is sometimes received as patronizing.

They don’t want fixes or alternate perspectives. Offering logical reasoning when danders are up only fuel conflict and make us seem narcissistic. They simply need to ‘get it out’ and all the sound reasoning in the world is not going to get them to change their minds or calm them down.

They may simply need validation, so they don’t feel alone in their struggle.

After all, how do we want people to respond when our feathers are ruffled? How well do you respond when someone says, “Well you must not have Jesus in your heart if you feel/do/react/say, X, Y, Z? Let me toss some bible verses at you so you feel better about yourself.” I’m betting not.

Sometimes, words are not what we need?

There are Antidotes!

When ears and hearts are shut and anxiety and emotions feed each other, sometimes – and I’m not saying this works in every situation or is the best response in all situations – but sometimes, the kindest and gentlest thing we can do is be quiet and move on.

And don’t we kind of rock quiet?

There is a time to stand up for what we believe in, a time to guard our convictions, and there is a time to let it go.

Use the silence to build up your faith, so that when the time comes, you are spirit filled and spirit inspired to speak things that are edifying to ears that will hear.

Instead of trying find crafty ways to respond to some, choose the perfect bible verse, and think of lofty prayers to turn your hearts, and souls and ears and hearts away from those that are closed, consider using the time instead to build up your faith. Jude 1:20 says, “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”


In case you’re needing some help in the meal planning area, I’ve created a one-week meal plan for you – it includes three meals a day, plus some snacks, a dessert, a shopping list and all the recipes. Check it out here:

If you have some time at home, you might be thinking of deep cleaning the house. It’s time for some spring cleaning and I’ve created a GREAT resource for you! Visit here:

AND, if you subscribe to, one of the resources on the free membership page is a 7-day journal on stress relief. I’d love for you to check it out.

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About Kass

Kass Fogle is an award-winning author, speaker, blogger and podcaster. She has twenty years in Human Resources and holds two degrees and certifications in HR. When she’s not mind-mapping or list making, you can find her suffering at the local coffee-house meeting writing deadlines.

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