The Introverted Believer

The Introverted Believer

07 Preparing Our Hearts During Lent

February 25, 2020


Whether you observe Lent formally by receiving ashes, giving up something for Lent, refraining from meat on Fridays and other recognition, or observe it informally through devotion and prayer time, Lent is an opportunity to renew our minds and prepare our hearts for an Easter celebration of Jesus' life, sacrifice and rise.

Why Observe?

While there is not a direct command to observe Lent (as there is to observe feasts in the OT, for example), there is no doubt that one day you and I will face judgement. Confession is inevitable. I can take this season of Lent to confess and repent today, and prepare myself for the day I will meet THE Judge and have to bow and confess before Him.

We should always recognize our sins as evil and choose to turn from them and repent. But it's hard. It's downright awful, and we never want to think of ourselves as awful people. We don't want to admit that the things we do that are bad are necessarily sinful - they're just tiny little acts of badness that if we put in a funny meme, would all be forgiven.

But in biblical times, people mourned and grieved over the fact that they sinned against God. They felt so remorseful, they ripped their clothes and threw dust and ashes on their head. Now, if we sin, we journal and podcast about it. Which is great, but we do it as a confession to one another without a true confession to God.

Repent, Pray, Fast


  • Be self-aware
  • Jesus is the only way to salvation
  • There is evil within sin
  • Your new life requires commitment


  • Breath Prayers
  • Prayer Cards
  • Prayers of praise, repentance, intercession, supplication
  • Pray with friends, family, wise counselors


What is your motivation? You're giving up chocolate? Awesome. How is it building your relationship with Jesus Christ? Joshua J. Masters does a great podcast series on fasting you should check out. You can listen here:

“The absence of fasting is the measure of our contentment with the absence of Christ.”

-John Piper.



Whether you formally recognize Lent or simply want to use the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter to RENEW YOUR HEART, I have a Lenten resource just for you. This resource contains 5 devotions, a 40-Day calendar of Lent Activities, ideas for prayer stations to go along with the devotions, and more. You can pick up this packet by going to This free resource will help guide you through a RENEWAL as you take time to pray, fast, and repent in preparation for the celebration of our risen King.

To purchase a copy of Stormy Omartian's book, Power of a Praying Wife, that I mention during the podcast, click HERE.


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About Kass

Kass Fogle is an award-winning author, speaker, blogger and podcaster. She has twenty years in Human Resources and holds two degrees and certifications in HR. When she’s not mind-mapping or list making, you can find her suffering at the local coffee-house meeting writing deadlines.

