The Internet Monthly

The Internet Monthly

The Internet Monthly: August 2013

August 03, 2013

The Internet Monthly is a monthly podcast featuring 10 or so short Internet related articles, tips and tricks and a regular search engine of the month feature.

In this month’s issue you can find out about the new up close and personal search assistant for your smartphone and how web browsers may soon be getting along quite happily without plug-ins.

You can also find out about making money from security checks by turning CAPTCHAs into cash machines and obscuring OCR with extremist fonts designed to baffle fly-by bots.

This podcast is derived from a monthly newsletter published by Zen Internet and recorded and produced by Silicon Bay. The podcast is reproduced by kind permission of Zen Internet.

This Month’s Podcast

The Internet Monthly – August 2013:

Or, download: podcast_aug13.mp3 [13' 01'', 6.0MB]

This Month’s Articles

This month’s edition of The Internet Monthly podcast contains the following articles. A list of links associated with each article are included for reference:

  1. SUMMERTIME BUCKET LIST – Things for your kids to do in the summer holidays

  2. SWIMMING FOR IT – School children raising money for their IT classes by swimming the channel

  3. TEACHING PRODUCTIVITY – IT classes to teach more practical skills

  4. KEYBOARD COLLEGE – How IT has affected access to higher education

  5. ANSWERS BY DESIGN – Everything you ever wanted to know about graphic design and marketing

  6. WORKING THE WEB WITHOUT PLUG-INS – Modern web technologies removing need for browser plug-ins

  7. CASH COLLECTING CAPTCHAS – On-line security questions begin generating revenue

  8. THE TYPEFACE THAT HIDES FROM SPIES – Anti OCR type-faces released

  9. DESIGN YOUR OWN FONT – Design your own typeface online

  10. MOBILES ON THE GRAPEVINE – How much does your mobile phone company know about you?

  11. SEARCH ENGINE OF THE MONTH – The search engine that learns

Subscribe to the Podcast: iTunes RSS Feed Listen on Stitcher

Zen Internet logo This podcast is sponsored and reproduced by kind permission of Zen Internet Limited. The music on the podcast was provided courtesy of Will Tang.

The post The Internet Monthly: August 2013 appeared first on Richard Farrar.

Related posts:

  1. The Internet Monthly: April 2013
  2. The Internet Monthly: September 2013
  3. The Internet Monthly: May 2013
  4. The Internet Monthly: June 2013
  5. The Internet Monthly: November 2013
