The Interim Leader

The Interim Leader

The “new normal” – A positive disruption towards a better way of working: An interview with HR Director Lis Allen & SJ Leatherdale

June 29, 2021

SJ Leatherdale, Partner and Head of the Healthcare Practice at Odgers Interim, talks to Lis Allen, HR Director Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, about the future of the workforce in the post-pandemic environment.

In this latest episode of our podcast series “Interim Leader”, Lis and SJ reflect on several possible avenues for the return of the workforce to their pre-pandemic place of work. Lis advocates for a hybrid pattern of visible and remote working moving forward, and explains why leadership needs to steer a new way of working scenarios that grants workforces flexibility and long-term job satisfaction.

Connect with SJ and Odgers Interim here, or get in touch with Lis.

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