The Holy F*ck Podcast

The Holy F*ck Podcast

Special Edition: Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi, Ce Soir?

June 17, 2020

In this season 1 rerun episode, The gals were gifted a video by an interested party (Interested in getting to “know” Katherine better that is.)
In S1Ep35 the gals are intrigued by the concept of clarifying the meaning of sex with your new partner prior to having sex. “What does it mean to you to have sex with me?” With this question the Gals explore many different meanings people can attach to having sex.
The timing is perfect to contemplate this topic as Katherine is waxed and ready to see where her hot date will lead. Will they decide to just snuggle? Will breakfast be expected in the morning? Or will sex for one of them be too much of a commitment? Is it just fun or is there a spiritual experience behind it!
Stay tuned…
As for Krista, she wonders how these important questions can be used in an existing relationship to enhance a sexual partnership that has many miles on the road!
Check out “The Other Safe Sex Conversation” by Steve Bearman from the Interchange Counseling Institute.

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