The Holy F*ck Podcast

The Holy F*ck Podcast

Special Edition: A Taste Of Alison Armstrong

June 10, 2020

In this season 2 rerun episode, Alison Armstrong is in the house ya’llll!!!! Well, not exactly in the house but this Queen of Understanding Men, is chatting it up with the Gals of Holy F and giving them the lowdown on some of her hottest partnership secrets. She is sharing some of her newest material with the most illuminating partnership “must knows!” Some of the biggest surprises are revealed near the end of the episode, so don’t miss it!

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.”Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

In episode 29, Alison discusses some of her newest partnership ideas to help couples become the most honest and authentic versions of themselves.

Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men, “To find out how I was bringing out the worst in them. And hopefully, how to bring out the best.†Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

The gals have some stunning a-ha moments about some of their biggest relationship mistakes as Alison describes the difference between “I decide” relationships and “we decide” partnerships. This concept, which was new to the gals and might be to you too, is literally a game changer. Listen to the surprise hilarity of it when Krista and Katherine realize it exists within their own podcast partnership.
Alison illuminates the different outcomes of enduring your relationship over many years, versus experiencing partnership by choice. What is the alternative to endurance anyway? Should we give peace a chance? Oftentimes we preach peace but is it really okay to “keep the peace” in relationships? And how is keeping the peace different in partnership?

Alison schools the gals about how “peace keeping” is actually a pattern of enduring where people are crossing their fingers hoping the other person will change. Sound familiar? Ready to learn how to change that pattern? Does it sound more fun to have a deeper connection and partner with someone? Listen to this epic episode to get the tools to better understand your relationship and maybe even decide you need to be schooled in partnership too!

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