The Holistic PT Podcast

The Holistic PT Podcast

47 - On Losing Your Way

August 01, 2022

This episode is a powerful introduction to the shadow framework, which is used to reclaim lost pieces of our psyche, so that we may experience greater peace, deeper intimacy with self and others, and unconditional love and self-acceptance.

It also serves as a very beautiful opportunity to observe the way our vulnerability lies in the shadows, and the ways this manifests for us in our lives, especially in our relationships as a strength to keep ourselves protected.

If you take only one thing away from this episode, let it be this:

Vulnerability (weakness) is not a loss of power, but when we reject the part of us that is in fact vulnerable, it is a loss of love for the part of you that is afraid to be fully seen.

There is so much magic in this episode and I invite you to go slowly and move gently, as there are so many areas of our world that rely on our availability to our vulnerability for the sake of receiving love fully. Including our own.

If we cannot be vulnerable, we cannot be free.

I hope this episode inspires you to trust more fully in the magic of the parts of you that are not yet fully claimed. You deserve to feel and experience such wholeness within your heart and self.

If this episode felt yummy to receive, let me know here. I'd love to hear from you.



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My friend, everything that you desire to have, be, do and create, is not only possible but already yours.

This I am sure.

El x
