The Holistic PT Podcast

The Holistic PT Podcast

28 - Heal Her

August 31, 2020

This episode is an invitation for you to revisit your dance with the idea that you already have everything you need.

Heal Her is my 9-month signature self-reclamation program designed to bring women to a place of I am enough through self-administered healing. We simply access and tap into what already exists within you.

In today’s episode, I break down what Heal Her is, who she’s for, how much she costs, what’s required from you, how to apply and how I personally work with you to bring you the gift that is reclaiming your power.

My job is to help you harness all that you already are and shed light on how all of who you are is a gift. I do not guide you. I walk with you, beside you, I work with you.

This episode unpacks and re-visits my online program, Heal Her.

You’ll hear about the ways it has morphed into something even more beautiful and more of my story and personal shares.

If you’re here you’re most likely curious about me, not my program. You’re curious about the woman I am, how I hold myself, the words I write, the ways I teach, the sense of calm and love I express, while also standing up for what I believe in.

You’re curious about the life I have, the businesses I’ve built, the ways I create freely, and perhaps even my vulnerability in talking about hard things and sharing from my heart.

You’ve probably heard my story (episode 1) and are curious about how a woman goes from anxiety episodes, panic attacks, perfectionism and controlling everything, to trusting life so implicitly while following her joy.

If you resonate with this episode, my work, my energy, my stories, and my teachings, submit your application here no later than October 15th 2020.

Your application form will be delivered directly to me and will help me feel who you are and if Heal Her is a good fit for you, or not. I offer a money-back guarantee and I work with 10-15 women at a time. We begin November 1st 2020 with my next intake for Heal Her being mid-late 2021.

It would be an honour to facilitate this journey with you.



Ellen combines personal development, healing, and physical performance as a coach and athlete through her online program Heal Her and inside her women’s performance facility located in Newcastle Australia.

Her work and story speak volumes to her capacity to support, lead and lift women to reconnect to their radiance, and overcome their mental, emotional, social, familial and spiritual challenges.

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