The Hobby Heroes Podcast

The Hobby Heroes Podcast

Episode 4 - A Harsh Winter

December 13, 2015

Episode 4 -A Harsh Winter Total Length: 1 Hour 35 Minutes 18 Seconds Hey! Thanks for coming over to check out Episode 4 of The Hobby Heroes!  In this episode, Ryan and I talk about a good chunk of games we’ve had since last episode.  I go over my success and failure for the Counter Charge Army in a Weekend Spectacular (mostly failure of course).  We have a little talk about Uncharted Empires and what we dig about it as well as the new models that Mantic just released.  We even go into discussing Adepticon as registration is now open and we have our tentative agendas set.  How exciting! Finally we get around to discussing our horrible scenario where we decided to bring our fight onto a frozen river using old scenarios previously published for Warhammer.  We naturally had to modify some of the rules as they weren’t designed with Kings of War in mind, so give that a listen and see what happens when people who aren’t game designers fiddle with rules.  In case your not sure, it goes poorly.   This and all our usual BS! Also, here is the picture of my Kings of War Orc Gore Riders. You can download our show from the link above or of course you can find us on i-Tunes as well.  If you have any questions you'd like to ask please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or e-mail them to either of us at the e-mails indicated on the right of the page.  Also, check us out on Twitter @hobbyheroescast or our Facebook page The Hobby Heroes.
