The Healthy Self

The Healthy Self

Ditch the White Stuff: Foods that Inhibit Weight Loss

August 10, 2015

Which foods help you rev up your metabolism, burn calories and ultimately lose weight?Remember that old adage about celery... that it's one of the best foods for weight loss because you actually burn more calories than you consume by eating it? There may be something to that. There are foods that help you rev up your metabolism, burn calories and ultimately lose weight. At the top of the list are foods that are high in water content (fruits and vegetables), particularly dark, leafy green veggies. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. You should aim to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, such as kale, oranges, blueberries, tomatoes; anything that's colorful and nutrient-rich. There are also foods that inhibit weight loss. If you're looking to drop a few pounds and get healthier overall, you need to ditch the "white stuff," such as bread, cake, white rice, pasta, potatoes, etc., as well as the basis of those foods: sugar and white flour. Listen in as host Michael Schwartz and guest Susan Smith Jones discuss which foods you should ditch, and which you should be eating more of.
