The Healthy Self

The Healthy Self

Exercise: The Crucial Factor for a Healthy Metabolism

August 10, 2015

The key factor in successful and sustainable weight loss is to get your metabolism to work at an optimal level.Diets alone don't work. You can be on one diet or another your whole life and never get to a point where you're successful in your weight loss efforts. The key factor in successful and sustainable weight loss is to get your metabolism to work at an optimal level. Exercise is crucial for getting your metabolism at that level; both aerobic/cardiovascular exercise and strength/resistance training. You don't have to invest in a gym membership to do that, either. There are simple, at-home tactics you can use to get in your daily exercise without spending a ton of extra money. Join host Michael Schwartz and guest Susan Smith Jones, MS, PhD, as they discuss why exercise is so important for achieving long-lasting weight loss, as well as why diets simply don't work.
