The Growth Business

The Growth Business

Business in Lockdown – Smart Leadership Advice

April 16, 2020

Doing good business in lockdown is a tough test of leadership - that's the message from my latest guest - business advisor Andrew Ford.
Andrew and I sat down on either side of a Zoom link to talk about what the best business leaders are doing now during Covid 19 - how they are adjusting their business plans and motivating teams to work well together.
It's clear that Andrew thinks getting digital is a MUST and that if you haven't made moves yet then it is not too late! This lockdown has only served to accelerate the trend towards digital platforms and now is the time to research providers. You can look around at our Express digital technology here.
You'll also get advice on how to capitalise on a tricky situation so you come out strong plus a look at the really important issue of keeping up morale and good mental health.
In the end we decided the best thing was to be ourselves - authenticity rules! So  sit down with a coffee or similar for 15 minutes and enjoy our chat.
Stay safe,
You can find out more about my guest Andrew Ford here; at Customer Gig  and you can Linkin with him here
