The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Your Personal Style – Sandi Leffel

December 03, 2019

Your Personal Style connects to how foxy you feel!

Personal Style is important. And Sandi Leffel knows exactly why. Sandi is a Personal Stylist in Fort Collins, CO and an everyday woman. Her 50th birthday proved to be a turning point in her life. She remembers feeling unsure and insecure about who she was and where she was going. That birthday proved to be an opportunity for Sandi to take responsibility for her own happiness. She decided to change her life and she adopted the mantra “50 Never Better”. Today, 13 years later, Sandi has embarked on a journey to empower all women, regardless of age, size or stature to beautify their lives through their clothing. Sandi, at 63 Never Better, helps women discover their style. And OWN it.   

What you wear invites the world to treat you one way or another.Sandi Leffel –

Ideas covered in this episode:

* The difference between Image Consulting and Personal Style Consulting* Sandi’s journey into Personal Style Consulting* What you wear invites the world to treat you one way or another* Human innately make calls about other people by the way they look.* Learning what resonates with you.* Your style transforms throughout your life as you grow and change.* Clothing is necessary. Fashion is an option. Style is a choice. * The way you dress teaches people how to interact with you.* When you invest in yourself, your confidence soars.* Asking for help with your style is an exercise in vulnerability and bravery.* A client’s style success story* Sandi’s definition of foxy* Beautify your life one outfit at a time.

Connect and work with Sandi here:



