The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Ep. #29 – Phyllis Guy – Sugar’s Negative Impact on Health

April 21, 2018

A small change in diet creates longterm change for your life!
Phyllis Guy became a Mind-Body Nutrition Coach because it pained her to watch people trying program after program and still feeling unwell or unhealthy. Her approach is to deliver strategies and systems, helping her clients develop skills to empower them in their own kitchen. Clients walk away with a better understanding of their own unique relationship with food; a specific action plan, feeling confident, empowered and in control; an understanding of how to develop a nourishing relationship with your body and food. She’s a graduate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and is certified as a Precision Nutrition level 1 coach and as a Personal Trainer since 2002. Clients come to her from all over the country.
Ideas we cover in this episode:

* How food affects your body and brain in life and in your business.
* How stress and nutrition affects your body, focus, creativity and success.
* Emotional Eating
* Assessing what’s going on in your life and how it relates to your eating habits
* Helping get you confident in your food choices
* Changing one aspect in your diet can also create changes in the rest of your life
* Reducing Sugar can change your emotional status
* How Sugar negatively affects the gut
* Fat in food doesn’t equal Fat on the body
* 21 Day Sugar detox for better health
* Ballroom dancing can get you feeling foxy
* Movement has an impact on your emotions

Find Phyllis Guy’s website here:
And after you listen to the episode, don’t forget to take Phyllis up on her generous offer of a free 30 minute consultation over the phone. Give her a call at 303-358-2045 and let her know you heard her here on The Get Foxy Show!
