The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Ep. #28 – Meghan Renton – Dangers of Breast Implants

April 04, 2018

The Dangers of Breast Implants
Meghan Renton is a 32 year old mother of three beautiful boys and a hospital Social Worker and working on her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. She grew up on a ranch in Livermore getting dirty, being a tomboy, without a worry in the world about her body. But, after breastfeeding three children, her body changed and so did her insecurities. At that time she was in the best shape of her life but as with many women was insecure about her appearance. And there, she made a decision that would impact her life and health, she got breast implants. Fast forward three years and countless doctors visits, she got them removed. Learning a big lesson on self-love, Meghan felt the need to share her story with others, and I was compelled to have her share it.
Some of the ideas we cover in this episode:

* The Quickness and Glossing Over of Medical Consents
* Self Esteem issues
* Subtle symptoms of toxicity: daily fatigue, acne, joint aches, etc.
* Healing Breast Implant Illness FaceBook page
* Hashimotos Thyroiditis 
* “A monster was inside of me”
* Fake body image vs Real body image
* Honoring yourself no matter what your breasts look like
* Shame, guilt, and sharing your story
* Self love is foxy

This a subject that we don’t hear much of in the media today. Know that you’re created perfectly imperfect. You have an innate beauty that you were born with.
If you’re considering breast implants, do your research.
Deeply ponder why you’re considering this procedure. Take time for self-examination and determine what your true motivations are. If that motivation comes from a lack of self-love or self-esteem, I encourage you to address this first before you risk your health and wellness.
This situation is more common than we think. Just 3 days prior to putting this show together, the following story came across my email:
And two days prior, a British documentary show called The Ugly Side of Beauty popped up on my Netflix feed. If you have Netflix, I highly encourage you to watch it.
Here at The Get Foxy Show, I want you to be happy and healthy. Because health is beauty. And beauty is foxy!
Post Script: A few months after this episode went live, I was alerted to the PIP Implant World Victims Association. Breast Implant issues are a worldwide problem. The PIPA is here to help victims all over the world. Learn more here. 
