The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Ep. #27 – Stacy York, LCSW – Emotional Regulation of Mom and Child

March 22, 2018

Emotional Regulation is key for both Parent and Child.
My wife, Emily, once told me that “A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child.” That really stuck with me. The ability to engage in Emotional Regulation is key in keeping both Mom and Child happy.
On this episode, I chat with Stacy York, LCSW, a national speaker on issues related to abused, neglected and traumatized children – including how to educate and parent these children. She focuses on helping families build stronger relationships through effective communication. Stacy is Phase 2 Clinician Certified through the Child Trauma Academy to use the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. And, she’s the co-author of the book “Teenage Girls: The Guide to Health, Wellness, and Self-Esteem.” Throughout the hundreds of kids Stacy has worked with, she’s learned that healing takes time, compassion, and love. Stacy also serves as a Captain in the Wyoming Army National Guard. She’s a Behavioral Health Officer, working with Soldiers regarding mental health issues. And overall she’s just flat out an amazing person.
Some of the ideas we discuss:

* Midlife crisis or Midlife clarity?
* Should women be doing it all? Is it ok to ask for help?
* Parenting is an illusion of control i.e. how not to kill your kid.
* Emotional regulation for mother and child
* Regulate, Relate, Reason
* Your kid’s age related issues may trigger your own issues from that age
* The importance of connection and truly seeing your kids

Get more information about Stacy and her work at:
