The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show – Ep. #19 – Terry Fox, L.Ac – How To Reduce Your Holiday Stress

November 15, 2017

Holiday Stress stinks! Listen and learn how to reduce it.
Holiday stress, oy! It’s almost time for the holiday shopping season to begin. And that means the potential for a good deal of stress, anxiety, frustration and depression.  In this episode, I discuss ancient Chinese practices you can utilize to help you get past the Black Friday and Cyber Monday wackiness and all the other events in-between.
Please do take time to take care of you. Don’t allow Holiday Stress to steal your joy. The world needs what only you can bring to it. I wish you the best this Holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Also if you’re curious about the Lucky Fox Trauma Liniment that I mentioned in this episode, click here.
