Hidden Heroes

Hidden Heroes

Latest Episodes

The Uniquely Human Spirit
January 25, 2020

Every person is born with something Cary Friedman calls, “The Uniquely-Human Spirit.” Those who acknowledge it early are fortunate because they live out a purpose-filled life. The challenge happens when service to a larger cause and to those in need ta...

Healing for TBI is within Reach
January 18, 2020

Jonah Meer – attorney, entrepreneur, investor, dreamer. In today’s podcast, I am joined by Jonah Meer, the co-founder of Qrons, the only company in the world with the vision and drive to pursue a cure for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Master Quality Sleep
January 11, 2020

Do you look forward to sleep with joyful anticipation? Are your sheets cool and soft, and your pillow just the right depth? Does your bed call to you, beckoning you into a world of blissful rest? If you’re like most first responders,

John Sutherland, Being Loved Back to Life
January 04, 2020

Dave, a police lieutenant from the West Coast, emailed me in search of some information about the signs and symptoms of psychological distress. His concern, like that of many first responders, is that he is slowly running out of ways to cover up the em...

Inside the Mind of Veteran & Author Joseph Courtemanche
September 02, 2019

From Assault on St. Agnes, by Joesph Courtemanche: When terrorists assault Saint Agnes Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota, they expect to find a congregation of lambs. They get Bobby Kurtz instead. An unrepentant cold warrior,

From the Streets to the Sheets (of paper, that is) with Author Janice Cantore
July 13, 2019

What’s better than advocating for our law enforcement officers? How about reading a book written by one?! This week’s podcast guest is Janice Cantore, a former Long Beach, California, police officer who now spends her days in sunny Hawaii writing some ...

Best Practices in Strategic Policing from Australia/New Zealand
May 06, 2019

This week we’re talking about what it takes to be forward thinking in law enforcement. We’ve long recognized that police officers are trained to respond to any number of dangerous and life-threatening situations.

Kentucky Leads the Way to Post-Critical Incident Stress Recovery
April 29, 2019

As the number of police suicides continues to rise, the urgency for evidence-based solutions increases. In Kentucky, those solutions exist in the form of the Post-Critical Incident Seminar (KYPCIS). Originating with the FBI,

Harnessing the Power of Secret Societies: Building Peer Support Networks
April 22, 2019

Peer support has long been an accepted practice in supporting first responders who are recovering from traumatic experiences. However, some support programs are more powerful than others. In this episode of the Command Post,

Preventing Police Suicide with Sgt. Ryan
April 14, 2019

Welcome to the 14th Command Post! In this episode, we’re discussing the Police Executive Research Forum’s Symposium on Preventing Police Suicide and a program that was created specifically for this purpose: the HEROES Project. Join Sgt.
