The Christian Rebel

The Christian Rebel

Latest Episodes

Forgiving the Nightmare with Mark Sowersby
May 11, 2023

On this episode we have a special guest who will share his testimony. How do you forgive when you've been wounded deeply?Pastor Mark Sowersby shares his testimony with his ministry and book by the same name, Forgiving The Nightmare. If you are in an abu

"Won't You Be My Neighbor?"
April 20, 2023

"Won't You Be My Neighbor?" A famous quote by Mr. Rogers. Who is our neighbor? It is everyone. Share the gospel with your neighbor.If you would like to help support this ministry in sharing the gospel, please by me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.

Be Real!
April 13, 2023

It is time for us as Christians to be real! It is time for us to take off our masks of false religion and piety. It is time for us to share the Gospel of Christ, just as it is in the Bible. It is time for us to be truly followers of Christ. Please share t

The Dangers Of New Age With Nick Picardi
April 06, 2023

On today's show we have a special guest Nick Picardi, he shares his testimony and tells us the dangers of the new age Movement.If you would like to help support this ministry in sharing the gospel, please by me a coffee at

What A Bunch Of Hypocrites!
March 30, 2023

What a bunch of hypocrites. Is the church today full them? Are we as Christians living according to the teaching of Jesus Christ. It is time for the church to wake up, it is time for us as the church to repent of our sins. If you would like to help supp

What if...?
March 23, 2023

What if...God existed, Jesus did die on the cross for you, and Jesus is returning soon?To listen to previous episodes go to a t-shirt at!/Partner with us when you

Are We Doing Church Right?
March 16, 2023

This is the first episode in a series I have titled, questions from a christian. Theses are questions from a normal everyday Christian who loves reading his Bible. The first question I ask is, "Are we doing church right?' This question is about our worshi

What Are You Afraid Of?
March 14, 2023

In today's episode we will talking about fear. Is there someone we should have a respectful fear of?The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10If you would like to help support this

A Christian Rebel Testimony: Matt Tomey Author of God's Plan For Living
March 09, 2023

In this episode, Matt Tomey shares his testimony and we talk about his new book God's Plan for living, A simple roadmap to ideal Christian life. His book will be available March 28.Go to: to sign up for updates.For ment

You Won't Be Roasting Marshmallows!
March 07, 2023

In this episode we will be talking about the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. That place is Hell or Hades. The place that was created for Satan and his angels. You do not have to go there. Today is the day of salvation. If you woul
