The Christian Rebel

The Christian Rebel

The Proverbial Truth: Day 30

January 30, 2023
It is day 30, we have today and tomorrow and we will be finished reading proverbs. Today we will be reading chapter 30.

Are you ready to learn more from this wonderful book. I have a question for all us, with what we have read so far. Has God shown us anything we are doing that we need to stop doing and are we truly going to apply what we have learned to our daily lives.

I know I have only basically read each chapter. I plan on doing a more in depth study of proverbs. I recommend that you do this also. There is so much we can learn when we really study God’s word. Another thing we can do is pray before we open our Bibles for understanding. God will show you what you need to learn and understand. Again, spend time with God every day.

Here is chapter 30 of proverbs.

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