The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

Caleb Poulin + Ryan Fahey, for PHE Canada

May 15, 2024

In our previous episodes with representatives from the University of Toronto’s UNICEF group and York University’s MUN president, we talked about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and how schools can help to encourage awareness of and participation in the pursuit of these goals. Discouragingly, the 2020 UNICEF Report Card states that “Overall, Canada ranks 30th in child wellbeing among 38 of the world’s richest countries. The Report Card tells us that Canada’s children are worlds apart from each other due to wide inequalities, and worlds apart from the happiest, healthiest children in rich countries. If the Report Card ranking was a school grade, it would not be posted on the fridge.” Obviously, change is needed in the ways youth health and wellbeing are approached, here and around the world.

In this episode’s conversation with representatives from Physical and Health Education Canada, we take a broad look at the current state of youth health, as represented by the quantitative and qualitative data gathered by the organization in partnership with public health and education groups around the country. We discuss the work that PHE Canada is doing to achieve their vision of ensuring that ALL children and youth in Canada lead active, healthy lives, and dive deeper into the cultural and educational contexts that inform this process.

Some topics and resources to listen for and take further:

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