That One Movie Podcast

That One Movie Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 20: The Purple-est of Rainz
August 06, 2014

That Prince cat be lookin' kind of fruity, but he can still eat da' booty! This week go deep deep into the waters of Lake Minnetonka and find out what makes Prince squeal. How deep you ask? At least neck deep .. deep enough to make it hard to get our l

August 01, 2014

That One Movie Podcast is the ageless shadow that has darkened the land with it's influence since time began. FYI. We are telling you this so that you will know, because we think it's only fair that you should know the name and form of YOUR DESTRUCTION. B

Episode 018: Yik Yak-ing with Enzo and Dave
July 23, 2014

I'm close, where do you want me to Yikyak?  Are you ready to be tied to a pole and then have sweet, sweet auditory love made to you, gently but forcibly, while a racist native stereotype pokes us with spears?  Are you ready to let a legendary poison

Episode 017: Strangers on a Gay Train
July 16, 2014

I don't mean to bother you, but have we met somewhere before? Maybe on a train? Remember when I asked you to kill my dad in exchange for killing your wife? And then I said 'crisscross' a bunch of times? No? Oh well maybe you just have one of those faces.

Episode 016: Pray for Rosemary’s Podcast
July 09, 2014

This week we are taking a look at Rosemary's baby from 1968. We try to hit all the high spots of this classic of thriller cinema. Devil worship, crones that look like scones, old people playing old people better then young people, tannis root. Hooo-boy, a

Episode 015: In Perfect Harmony with Misty Eyez
July 02, 2014

Is your that a toner in your pocket or are you just happy to see us? This week we are joined by our special guest reviewer, the lovely and talented Misty Eyez!  And we team up to take a stab at having anything mean to say about the surprisingly enterta

Episode 014: We are the Future
June 25, 2014

Hey! Take a look at our face, we are the future! This week we are again joined by Wuvable Oaf creator, and certified Oaf expert Ed Luce. We take a look at The Class of 1984 from 1982 and talk about punks, drugs, hairy bare midriffs, and discuss how pre "

Episode 013: Can’t Stop This Movie
June 18, 2014

Here's an incomplete list of things you can't stop: the wind, the spinning of the earth, the furious reblogging of cats of any kind .. and most importantly, THE MUSIC. This week we are joined by returning guest Matt Keppel and his partner in love and crim

Episode 012: Bladerunning with Unicorns
June 10, 2014

Hey you bunch of filthy skin jobs! This week we're talking all about running with scissors, I mean blades! We're blade running. Get it?! We watched the all new 30th anniversary extended director's digital remastered surround sound hi-def no voice-over thr

Episode 011: Poopspotting
June 04, 2014

In this episode we talk about the 1996 movie, "Trainspotting". Tap that vein kids .. we're gonna shoot you up full of poop and dead babies. Just kidding! But seriously, we're gonna shoot you up .. full of cocoa powder. Yeah. Cocoa powder.
