TFE - Radio

TFE - Radio

TFE - Radio: The Pilots Episode #3: "Third Time's The Charm": Thursday November 14Th 2013.

February 20, 2016

Amazon's Audible Service Sponsored, TFE - Radio: The Pilots Episode #3: "Third Time's The Charm": Thursday November 14Th 2013.

In this week's throwback episode of TFE - Radio, Host James "Strength" Navarro talks about the following:

- Super Mario Bros 1, 2 & 3...

- 3 Things You Love About Yourself...

- The Best Movie Trilogies...

Full Description:

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I have a license to use Nintendo’s content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.
