The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Give Yourself a “Do Over” Before You Need a “Do Over” Best Friday Ever

September 23, 2022

“So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!”-Viktor Frankl

Wait Vik. What the hell are you talking about?

It’s very simple. Take the time to give yourself a draft folder. Think through your toughest decisions. Play out the scenario in your mind about what you are about to do. Think through the ramifications. Feel the emotion your action will most likely insight.

Viktor FranklGive Yourself a “Do Over” Before You Need a “Do Over” Best Friday Ever

Now. Think as though you have the opportunity to do it a second time. It’s like a do over before you need a do over.

So often what we call “mistakes” are not mistakes at all. They are just bad, poorly thought out decisions. You didn’t end up in bed with someone who wasn’t your spouse by mistake. Nope. you knew exactly what you were doing. So maybe if you had thought about that decision prior to and then did the right thing you wouldn’t be in the position you’re in now with a broken marriage or a relationship hanging by a thread.

Take the time to create a decision “draft folder.” I can tell you, when mine is operational, it’s amazing. When it’s not, woof.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for listening.


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