The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

August 16, 2022 The Afghanistan Withdraw, Ukraine, Rucking and More With Purple Heart Veteran and Congressional Aide Kenneth Depew

August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022 The Afghanistan Withdraw, Ukraine, Rucking and More With Purple Heart Veteran and Congressional Aide Kenneth DepewKenneth Depew on The Jason Wright Show

I’m very fortunate to have very smart and accomplished friends. Kenneth Depew is certainly no exception. Kenneth served in both Afghanistan as well as Iraq. Recently he became involved with Afghanistan once again not as a soldier but as a congressional aide trying to bring Americans home.

He has also spent time on the ground in Ukraine where he gives a first hand account of exactly what the region has gone through, the realities of Russian warfare and just what war smells and looks like. It was a great and far ranging conversation.

Oh, and yes we also discuss rucking. This has become one of my new passions and Kenneth is a veteran at rucking for his job as a soldier as well as for fitness. Enjoy the show.

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